- There are 5 Spirit Wells on the battlefield; capture and keep them to accumulate points for your team.
- When defeated, select a Soul Altar on your map to revive.
- The winner of the match is the first team that reaches 1000 points before the match ends. If no winner is determined, the match will result in a tie game.
- As the battle progresses, the rate at which points are earned increases.
In Capture the Spirit Well, players gain Dark Tide Coins overtime.
- You can Capture a Money Tree on the battlefield for extra Dark Tide Coin generation for your team.
- Once captured, the Money Tree cannot be captured again for a certain in period.
- The amount of Dark Tide Coins increases as the battle progresses.
Morale Challenges appear at intervals throughout matches. Complete them to reap their rewards.
Strive to complete Morale challenges, and the battle can be yours yet!